
This blog is here for you to find fun learning activities to do with your children. We share great ideas we find and love on the Internet, as well as ideas we come up with on our own! We also like to share resources we find helpful.

To find ideas for your child, click on the age range blog label or on the theme/topic you are looking for (on the left side of the page). In each post, we try to list optimal age ranges for the activity, but you must judge for yourself if it is appropriate for your child. When you try an activity out, please comment and let us (and everyone else) know how your child liked it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Teaching Emotions

When Brayden was about two, we started this game I call, "I am going to look..." He absolutely loved it. We started the same game with Kaitlyn around two, and at 2.5 it is still a favorite game for her.

Two and up.

This is a great activity to help your child identify feelings. This really helps cut down on tantrums due to communication issues. When your child is upset, you can talk to your child about how he is feeling because he will have a vocabulary for it. It also is a great one-on-one activity for a parent and child.

  • Parent
  • Child
  1. Sit down and face your child. I have found this to be effective in the child's room on the bed (if it is big enough for both of you). Wherever you do it, just be sure it is somewhere the child is comfortable mentally.
  2. Tell your child, "I am going to look..." (pause)..."happy!"
  3. Smile and look happy.
  4. Tell your child, "I am going to look..." (pause)..."sad."
  5. Look sad.
  6. Repeat this, alternating through emotions. At some point, your child will likely want to do it too. If not, ask if he wants to try.
  7. Another way to involve your child is ask him how he wants you to look.
As your child gets used to this game, you can alternate. Expect that in the beginning, he won't remember how to look for different emotions. This is building a new vocabulary for him. When you first start this, use simple emotions such as "happy," "sad," "scared," etc. As your child grows, you can add more complex emotions that build on the basic ones such as "confident" and "anxious"


Pam Dyson, MA, LPC, RPT said...

As a child therapist I stress to parents how important it is for them to teach their children a vocabulary of emotions. I recently blogged about this very topic.

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