The other day, I had McKenna (3) practicing her pre-writing skills as Raegan described in this post:
Pre-Writing Skills
Once she was doing a good job at connecting the dots, we started to practice writing letters. We did the straight lines (like T) and curved lines (like C) with no problem, but the angled lines proved tricky (like A). Since she had done well with the connecting the dots, I had her first write the letter by connecting the dots like we had done in our pre-writing skills practice. It really helped her see how you create the letters with the angle. You can see the progress in the photo I took above (with my phone). So if your child has a hard time with the angled line letters, give this a try!
It could also be applied to straight line letters. Or you could do a series of dots to follow for the curved lines.
this is a perfect skill for a kid to learn writing..
cool maths games
Angled lines can be tricky for children, not only ones with learning disabilities but even with ones who are quick learners. Definitely the trick of connecting the dots works the most efficiently in getting the angled lines correct. What also works is converting the angled to straight lines and teaching. Eg: “A” need not necessarily be angled always. Similarly, “C” could be taught as a how a digital font would look like and then gradually moving it towards angles.
Great post, thanks for sharing with us.
California Puppets
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