
Monday, August 15, 2011

Simple Summer: Park Day

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Each week during nice weather, we join several friends at the park for park day. It is a great learning ground for social skills like taking turns and getting along with others. It allows for lots of physical exercise. And best of all, it is lots of fun with lots of play.

I am an advocate for allowing children to learn through play. Summer is great because so many of our activities through the summer center around playing. Don't let the idea of play leave your mind as you enter the "school year," whether you have children in school or not.

I found this great article on the benefits of play: Play Is Essential to Learning. Be sure to check it out! 

1 comment:

  1. Many services is introducing the learning activities to children is through producing the financial services assignment writing because it is proved that what we write we can retain it for much longer than what we read and the same goes with the children.
