
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Watermelon Crepe Paper Pic

My son brought this activity home from preschool (above, age four) and Kindergarten (below, age five). I figured if it is good enough for both teachers, it is good enough to post here!

Supplies Needed:
  • paper
  • red crepe paper
  • green crepe paper
  • black marker/paint OR actual watermelon seeds
  1. Draw a half circle for your child. If your child is able, have him cut it out. If not, you cut it out.
  2. Draw a line to divide the flesh from the rind.
  3. Have your child tear or cut red crepe paper to glue in the flesh section.
  4. Have your child tear or cut green crepe paper to glue for the rind section.
  5. Glue on seeds or add black paint dots for seeds.

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