
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Simple Summer Fun: Camping

2 year old McKenna getting the most out of camping
Camping has got to be one of the most enriching experiences you can give to your child. It is a time for fully getting in touch with nature. You can go for "hikes" and explore the scenery around you. You can hear the sounds of nature, see the sights, and smell the uniqueness of it all. It is a great sensory experience.

Everyone lives in different climates with different camping experiences. Some are on the beach, some in sand dunes, some in brush, and some in forests. Because of that, I can't tell you precisely what to do to get the most out of the experience, just some generalities.

Be sure to go for little walks or hikes if you are up to it. Notice the vegetation. Look at the flowers if there are any. What kinds of trees, grasses, and bushes grow there? How does it compare to home?

What about animal life? Do you see footprints or nesting beds? Do you see animals?

What do you hear? What are all of the unique sounds around you?

What smells do you notice?

What is the texture of the rocks, plants, ground, etc.?

Camping teaches so much in such a short time, and teaches children things faster than they can learn looking at picture books. I highly encourage you to make the effort for a camping trip!


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  3. Camping with kids is a fantastic way to connect them with nature and their senses. Thanks for the helpful tips and encouragement to embark on this enriching adventure!
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