
Monday, July 19, 2010

Simple Summer Fun: Cloud Watching

In order to do this activity, your child will need to be at a point of showing some imagination. You can by all means try this with a child who isn't showing imagination; practice helps right? But it will be most successful with those who are imaginative. I would say this is best for preschoolers and up, with some 2.5 and older doing well. Of my children, Brayden (5) finds the most enjoyment out of this. Kaitlyn (3) likes to do it, but it doesn't hold her interest as long as it does Brayden's. McKenna (15 months) likes to point to the sky and babble like she knows what she is talking about :).

Cloud watching can be so relaxing. You simply lay on the grass or sit and look up at the clouds. You then take turns talking about what you see. Do you see a dinosaur? A heart? A Lion? Share what you see. Before you go out, if you want this to be a bit more educational, you can brush up on your cloud types and on cloud formation and drop little science facts into the conversation. You could also share facts about what your child sees. "Do you know what a baby lion is called? A baby lion is called a cub."

This is a simple, relaxing summer day activity for you to do with your children.


  1. Thanks for sharing so great ideas. I have an award for you. Please visit this link to see it:

  2. Wonderful. We will be doing this today if it's not storming in the afternoon. I really like this series.

