
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Do you dare?

Kids in mom's makeup drawer doesn't usually sound like a learning activity...more like a "where is my toddler....Oh NO!" kind of activity.

For the older toddler or preschooler, makeup can be a fun learning experience in the right environment.
Our rules: No touching makeup without mom around, clean up messes when we are finished, ask permission before trying something new (like lipstick on the eyes...yikes).
Here's how we do it:
I keep a drawer/bag of makeup she is allowed to use. Not everything is for munchkins. For example...mascara....I'm not ready to go there yet.
She pulls out an item, like eyeliner. I explain to her what it's for or what I want her to do with it. In the picture above, I said "You can use this to draw a circle around your eyes." The tip is a soft tip and I knew this is something she could handle. Then she pulls out another piece, like lipstick. I'll say something like, "Color in your lips." or "Make dots on your cheeks."
She can have fun playing and also practicing shapes and following directions. The beauty part of it is that she is willing to happily follow every direction just for a chance to play makeup.

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