
Monday, February 15, 2010


With the Olympics going on, I wanted to do some Olympic inspired activity. First, we talked about the Olympics. We talked about the many different countries from around the world that participate in the Olympics, then looked at flags from around the world.

Once we had done that, I told Brayden and Kaitlyn that they were going to create their own flags. Pictured are their creations (Kaitlyn--2.5--left and Brayden--4.5--right). This photo was taken while still wet, so we don't have the lamination or stick on yet.

Skills Taught
This activity taps into your child's creative side. You can use it as an opportunity to talk about the history of the Olympic games and/or your country's flag.

Age Range
Old enough to do art projects of any sort.


  • Art supplies. I broke out the art box and told them they could use anything they wanted to create their flag: paint, crayons, markers, glitter, stickers, do-a-dots, etc. You could also use this as a shape activity and do something along the lines outlined here.

  • Paper

  • Contact paper to "laminate" (optional)

  • Stick to hold flag on (optional)

  • Talk about flags and that they represent things. You can talk about country flags, state flags, etc.

  • Have your child create his personal flag.

  • Allow dry

  • Cover with contact paper if desired

  • Attach a stick so your child can carry his flag
I plan to do some Olympic games as a family during the Olympic games and will have my children bring their flags to each event :)

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