
Monday, October 17, 2011

Science Book

Little books are a great way to reinforce what a child has learned about a particular subject. Kaitlyn made this bat book at preschool. 

They learned all about bats. At the end of the unit, they each choose four things they knew about bats and colored a picture of each item on a page for this book. So Kaitlyn had that they slept in the day, had wings, is not a bird, and likes to eat nectar. The great thing is that she loves to look through it and tell me what each page is a picture of, so it helped reinforce as she made the book, and then helps over and over (and over) at home :) as she tells me about it (again). 

You could do this for any unit you are learning about. Bugs, animals, plants, machines, vehicles, is endless. This is a great way to work science into your week.


  1. You don't have a link by chance do you? This is a cute idea.

  2. So all it is is a front cover and the remaining pages are blank for the child to color and draw on.

    Here are some bat images on google you could use for your cover page:
