
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baked Apples with Cranberries

This is cooking project we did after apple picking last year. I found the recipe in the mail from my grocery store and knew it was something J could do with me. I had all the ingredients, so we could do it right away!
Baked Apples with Cranberries
1. Preheat oven to 375*F. Core the apples, leaving the bottom closed (creating a small bowl in the apple). Peel the top half of the apple.
2. Fill the apple with dried cranberries (I used frozen and it was fine).
3. Top with a spoon of brown sugar, 1/2 tsp of butter and sprinkle with cinammon.
4. Bake for 35-45 minutes (until the apples are soft).
J helped with steps 2 and 3 and then of course helped with eating. This was a simple cooking project for him. You can make just one or a dozen. I really decided to do this last minute because I had all the ingredients, no planning required.
stuffed-apple I forgot to take end result pictures of my own, this is from Nicola’s Blog (ours did not look so pretty anyway!)

This would be a good recipe for any age toddler, even the youngest could manage this. Preschoolers could accomplish it mostly on their own. You could create a picture list for them to follow on their own. All ingredients are safe for taste sampling if they get distracted while “cooking” and if they were to add more than the actual recipe called for, no harm done. Use a spoon or tongs for adding the cranberries and you’ve included some fine motor skill practice.

Becca also blogs at Fun and Engaging Activities for Toddlers


  1. We love your blog! We just wanted to let you know that we awarded you with the Liebster Blog Award today. You can view the post here:


    Pam and Lisa from
