
Monday, September 27, 2010

Home Made Calendar

Doing a daily calendar is a great way to help teach your children about days of the week and help them grasp things like "yesterday" and "tomorrow" and "two weeks."

I made this one very inexpensively. It is far from perfect, but good enough for us! I got a piece of poster board from the dollar store as well as some numbers. You could also print the numbers off. I then put a grid for the calendar days. Then I wrote the days of the week across the top. I put pictures of people on their birthday. I also put a spot for the weather for the day. I printed out some weather clipart (sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, raining, snowing, etc.). I have a spot for the scripture we are memorizing. Then I have the title of the month mounted on some scrapbook paper to offer some color. I might start doing a Spanish vocabulary word and put that up, too.

Each day, we put up the number and I say "Today is SATURDAY September 4, 2010. What is the weather like today?" Then we put up the weather picture. We then recite the scripture. This works well with our Learning Poster.


  1. That's a good idea. It probably helps you to remember to do all those things. I see Amy's cute little picture up there. :)

  2. Very cute! How do you have the numbers posted, with tape? If so do they seem to come off cleanly each time?

  3. I just tried to grab your button, but on my blog it says the image isnt available. I just thought I'd let you know.

  4. Amanda, I use tape. You have to be careful taking it off. I am thinking about laminating these things to make it all easier. We shall see. You have me wanting a lamination machine now :)
