
Monday, September 19, 2011

Pizza Pizza!

Kaitlyn (4) started preschool this year for the first time. For her first homework assignment, her teacher gave her this slice of "pizza" (the white triangle) and told her to decorate it like a pizza. 

We talked about all of the things we could do to decorate it. Kaitlyn's favorite pizza is cheese pizza, so she wanted to make a cheese pizza. We decided shredded paper would be fun. I shredded up several pieces of paper. Then she put glue on the pizza and pressed the shredded paper on. 

For toppings, you could use buttons, felt, magazine cut-outs, pipe cleaner, etc.--whatever you can think up. It was a fun project that brought in some sensory activity to it. 


  1. Hey! I love the blog! But I am having trouble finding activities according to age range. When I click on "By Age" it doesn't lead me anywhere...


  2. Sorry Monica! The indexes at top are a work in progress. Try clicking on your age group blog label in the cloud label. We have "toddlers" "preschoolers" "pretoddlers" "child" and "baby"
