
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Learning Boxes

You can make learning time very simple by having a learning box set up. This makes gathering common supplies very easy and also creates a situation where you can teach your child some personal responsibility and help her learn about cleaning up after herself when a project is finished. 

This is a great time of year to buy these supplies since stores have them on super sale. You simply buy a pencil box. We got ours at Walmart for 50 cents each. Then you either buy or put in the supplies you want. We did crayons, scissors, a pencil, an eraser (pencil erasers are the first to go), and a glue stick. Brayden also has a ruler. Then, being the nerd I am, I whipped out my label maker and put their names on each box.

These are great for learning time at home and also for a child who is doing homework. Everything is in one neat box. You could even stock extra supplies in it ahead of time if you knew you would be using extra things (like glitter, tape, etc.). 

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