
Friday, June 17, 2011

Book Review: Press Here

Press Here

I often do book lists of fun books for holidays, but there are many, many books out there that are absolutely fabulous that have nothing to do with a holiday. So I thought I would share some every so often.

Today's book is a very special find. My toddler and I were in the library together one May day and came across it accidentally. Each library trip, I go through every single book in a section of the bookcases. I want to find those gems that you might not hear about otherwise.

And I do.

And this day, I did.

Book Info:
This book is titled Press Here. The author is Herve Tullet.
Age: Publisher recommends 4-8. I say 0-101+

Every so often I get so excited about something that I essentially get writer's block. I know I could never do it the justice it deserves. This is one of those moments.

This book is so simple. It is full of dots. But it is interactive. And it has everyone from my two year old right on up through my husband laughing. We checked this book out in May and we will hold on to it until they make us give it back. Then we will buy it.

This book is so creative. Brilliant, really.

This is a must read for you. If you own it, you will never regret it.

McKenna (two) loves to sit with the book and go through the instructions herself.

I can't recommend this book enough. If you click on the link (Press Here), you will read read 17 reviews that all rave about the book. Check it out! You will love it too!


  1. Very Good Dear Keep it Up

  2. We just checked this out from the library today and read it for the first time today. Great recommendation! I think we'll buy it too! Thanks!

  3. Val, Great suggestion! I took your advice and checked this out at the library. We've already renewed it once! J loves it! So creative... and yet so simple. Now why couldn't I have come up with that!?! :)
    Thanks for sharing.
    (btw that's how I work through a library too, one section at a time. Even as a kid! I'm just too concerned I'll miss a good book if I pick at random.)

  4. lol--the worst is when they do a slight shift in where the books are. Then I am a bit messed up.
