
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Paper Plate Elephant

Kaitlyn made this in playgroup. I thought it was super cute!


  • paper plate
  • construction paper
  • scissors
  • goggly eyes (or you could draw eyes)
  • glue
  1. If desired, have your child color the paper plate (gray if you want to stick to "reality," a color of your child's choice if you want to do "imaginative").
  2. Depending on child's age and ability, either you cut out or draw and let your child cut out the elephant's ears. 
  3. Cut out a circle on the plate for the "nose" (I would say this is an adult step)
  4. Have your child decorate the plate further if desired. Add eyes.
  5. Glue ears on plate.
  6. Play with your elephant! Stick your arm through to be the elephant's nose.

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