
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blast from the Past: Snowman Projects

I was going to post these a while ago, but I never got them off my camera. Then things got warm and I was too busy enjoying 60 degree weather to talk about snowmen. Then the weather turned and I have over two feet of snow on the ground again, and I know many of you are sitting in snow, too, so let's acknowledge it and maybe enjoy some last snow projects for the year.

This first one is the Cotton Ball Snowman I posted about last year. This year, I used scrap fabric for the scarves, which I thought was fun. Above is Kaitlyn's (age three) and below is McKenna's (age one). For McKenna, I pointed to tell her where to put the cotton balls. Kaitlyn did something new and fun. After making her bottom "ball," she decided to pull the cotton balls apart to make her snowman.

Next is the Snowman Shape Picture. I did this with Kaitlyn's playgroup and every single mom asked, "Did he/she really do this alone?" Yes they did! And here are the three my kids did. Top is McKenna's (age one--it lost an eye between being done and getting a photo), bottom left is Brayden's (age five), and bottom right is Kaitlyn's (age three). Brayden and Kaitlyn both have a "house" that Brayden cut out and made for them.

I love how crooked McKenna's is. That is a picture I will keep forever I think.

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