
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Me Encanta Tu Blog Award!

Many thanks to Lori at Montessori MOMents (love that title) for this award! This award is fun because it involves different questions for accepting it. 

1. Why did you create the blog?
We orginally started it wanting to keep track of great resources we had found for learning actvities for children. We quickly started sharing our own ideas, and that is where we currently sit is sharing our ideas, though we do still share other great resources.
2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
Blogs of friends, other learning blogs, parenting blogs, craft blogs (that's Val), and religious blogs.
3. Do you have a favorite brand of makeup?
Val here...I honestly don't care what brand my make-up is. I have a hard time paying a lot of money for something you wash off every single day. I happen to own and use Mary Kay make-up, but I wouldn't mind it being something cheap, either.

I do, however, care about skin care. That is something that I find value in spending money on. Again, I do primarily Mary Kay with some Sea Breeze and St. Ives thrown in there.
4. And a favorite clothing brand?
Val, I don't much care what brand it is.

5. What makeup products are essential for you?
Val here...I am not a big make-up person. I didn't even wear foundation or mascara on my wedding day. Very true. If I had to choose only one thing to use for the rest of my life it would be eyeliner.
6. What’s your favorite color?
Val here...I really like all colors. Right now, I am all about gray (which I happen to spell grey).
7. What’s your favorite perfume?
Val here...I like Ralph by Ralph Lauren. But I don't even wear perfume monthly I sound boring :)
8. What’s the film you liked the most?
Val I really expected to answer a question like that? I don't think I could do that for a specific genre, much less the blanket category of "film." 
I guess I will just offer a list: Lord of the Rings Trilogy (but it must be extended version or I get mad about the inconsistencies with the books), Legally Blonde, Pride and Prejudice, the original Star Wars Trilogy. 
9. What countries would you like to go to?
Val here...all of them. Really. I would love to visit any and all long as I would be safe. I don't have the desire to visit any country where I would feel like I was in danger. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved your answers and I love that you like my blog name. Thank you. :) And...thank your for posting your great ideas as well as great resources. The internet is a wonderful educational tool. I love visiting your blog to see what you are up to.
