
Friday, November 5, 2010


Dates aren't just for grown-ups...

One thing I've learned (and relearned) is never to underestimate one on one special time with your little one, especially if there is more than one! Sometimes it's the random "cure" for off behavior, a much needed break for both of you away from the day to day to-do list, and most's just plain fun.

I especially need this time with my girls when the holidays start. Between shopping, parties, dressing up, family visits and visiting, pictures, and trying to do the not-so-fun year 'round stuff (cleaning, cooking, etc)...we can forget or put off time just to talk and enjoy time with our kids.
I've learned some really neat things about my girls when it's been just the two of us. It also has opened the door for some deep conversations, and given my oldest the opportunity to share her heart more freely. I've never once regretted the few hours on our "dates."
It's also really important for Dads to take part in this too. There's nothing like daddy time, and please never make the mistake of underestimating it's importance. My husband recently took our 3 year old to a local lotus park/pond for a tea party. To her delight, she was allowed to dress in her Cinderella dress, get all "fancy", and they had a sweet time, just the two of them. She served him "tea" and even cut up his muffin for him. It was a great time for both of them and she almost walked on air for the rest of the day.
So think about what you can do that your child would enjoy, away from the normal routine, just the two of you or your child and husband. What can you do to make it happen? Write in on your calendar, plan it in advance, or life will tend to get in the way.
And trust month you won't remember how clean your floor was or how many loads of laundry you did that week. And neither will your family. But you'll ALL remember and be really changed when you take time to simply enjoy each other, especially around this busy time of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, Raegan. Really needed to hear this today.
