
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fruit Bowl Math

This idea is inspired from the Math In Focus program. This is one of those things I thought I would try out, but was sure the kids would be only mildly interested. Then they surprised me by not wanting to ever stop.

AGE RANGE: It is meant for Kindergarteners, but my 3 year old also did it all with no problem at all. I would say definitely preschooler and up, with some older toddlers being able to do it. You could also do a variation for younger toddlers. See Variation section below.

This activity works on teaching similarities and differences among objects. It also works on counting and shapes. You will also get some color work in there.

  • bowl
  • Two apples
  • One banana
  • One lemon
  • One strawberry
Simply put the fruit in the bowl.

  • Choose two fruits. Have your child say the name and what is the same and/or different about them.
  • I had my children describe the shape of the fruit
  • I put all of the fruit in a bowl and asked the child to take out two circle shape fruits or two yellow fruits, etc.
  • Put X number of fruit in the bowl and ask your child to count them
  • Take all fruit out of the bowl. Ask your child to put X number of fruits in the bowl
  • Put two fruit in the bowl. Ask your child to make it so there are four fruit in the bowl
  • Put five fruit in the bowl. Ask your child to make it so there are three fruit in the bowl.

For the younger crowd, go through the fruit in the bowl and describe what is the same and different around them. Hearing you talk about it will help build his vocabulary and awareness. Say colors, shapes, number, etc.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun! It's a great way to start looking at attributes and paying attention to detail. Love it!
