
Monday, August 30, 2010

Successful Learning Tip: Positive Anticipation

When used correctly, I think anticipation can be one of your most effective tools for raising your child. I use it for everything from potty training to convincing a child the dentist will be fun. If not used correctly, anticipation becomes anxiety, which leads to physical and emotional problems. For the purposes of this blog, I will discuss anticipation in relation to learning.

There will be many moments to anticipate in your child's life. Perhaps you have a new plan for learning set up to do at home. Don't just spring it on your child one day. Tell her in advance, "After Labor Day, we are going to be starting some new learning activities at home. It is going to be so much fun. I think you will like it." Remind her often. Always be excited. Talk about the fun things you will do. "We will learn about letters, numbers, and shapes."

You might send your child to preschool one day, or you might be sending him to Kindergarten. Talk about the positive things. Talk about the new friends he will meet. Talk about how nice his teacher is. Talk about all the fun things he will learn.

Build up this positive and pleasant anticipation and your child will find herself excited for a the new experience rather than nervous or indifferent. He will be ready to face his new adventure head on and without fear.


  1. I enjoyed this blog read, short & to the point- gentle inspiration

  2. This is so simple! But how often I get caught up in just surviving the moment with my to do list and forget that they need this! Thanks so much for the reminder! And I don't think they are ever too young for this as well!
