
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Simple Summer Fun: Easy Crafts

The final installment of Simple Summer Fun this year is on Easy crafts. There are all kinds of easy-to-make crafts that you can purchase. Foamies brand has a whole lot (as pictured here). Craft supply stores (like Joannes, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc.) have a variety of kits you can buy that are ready for your child to assemble.

These are simple because you don't have to do any more prep than purchasing the item. The downside, in my eyes, is that these kits cost more money than it would be for you to assemble a craft yourself. But, hey, sometimes time is money, right?

So if you are wanting to do something but don't want to put a lot of brain power or time into it, try walking through your local craft supply store and seeing what they have to offer.

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