
Friday, August 6, 2010

Pouring Yourself a Drink

I ran across some of the cheapy plastic pitchers when I was out shopping one day, so I picked up a few. One activity most kids would LOVE to try, is pouring their own drink. And after watching them try, you can see that it's quite a challenge. Managing the sloshing liquid, aiming where it should go (and actually getting some in the glass), not pouring so fast as to knock the glass over, and not dropping the heavy takes some practice to say the least.
To encourage my kiddos to practice this skill without any cleaning on my part AND to help keep them hydrated on those oh-so-hot summer days, I fill up (yes, completely, otherwise you'll make multiple trips to fill up the pitcher) a pitcher with ice water and bring out one plastic cup per kiddo. I just set it out and told them to pour themselves a drink if they got thirsty. My 3 year old said, "By myself??" I just smiled and nodded. Their faces lit up and they poured themselves drink after drink...and drank it all.
Well, whatever managed to get in the cup.

1 comment:

  1. This is so fun!
    I let Mayah have a pitcher and cup in the bathtub and she has gotten pretty good at pouring, but I'd be interested to see how she does outside with it! Funny how such simple things are so fun to them!
