
Friday, June 4, 2010

Button drop

Here's an easy to store idea to practice hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and concentration. I thought of this as a way to help my 2 year old learn to button shirts, or at least practice getting the tiny buttons in seemingly tinier holes.
Materials: a baby food jar works well since the lid doesn't flex. (You can still use a clean yogurt/sour cream container as well.) Buttons, scissors, tape.
I used the scissors to cut a slit in the top of the lid. Then I stuck the scissor blade in and wiggled it so it made a slight opening, large enough only for the button to get in. Make the hole as big as you think will be challenging, but not frustrating, to your child. I covered the side of the opening with tape, just in case. That helped take the sharp edge off the lid.
I gave my daughter a bunch of buttons and through trial-and-error she figured out that only the orange buttons would fit. Use only one color/size if it could be frustrating for them. Then work up from there.
This is a great quiet time activity too!

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