
Monday, May 10, 2010

In The Car: Finding Colors

This is an activity my husband came up with to keep our children occupied in the car.

He simply says, "I am going to find a blue truck. What are you going to find?" They each choose what color and type of vehicle they will find. They are then quiet as they watch for their chosen vehicle.

Not all children (or parents) will be into the type of vehicle, but we can all do colors.

Sometimes Kaitlyn chooses "pink" or "purple." We always just say okay and let her wait to figure out those vehicles are very few and far between.

This is a fun, simple way to keep everyone focused on something other than the long car ride.


  1. I remember doing this as a kid with my siblings and parents on long road trips. It was fun!

  2. A nice entertainment for the kids while on the go. It is especially hard to keep them in their place during a long journey. This would help them stay focused on finding their color cars while you can focus on the road.
