
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Activities for Teaching Reading Skills

I am always talking about reading and how important I think it is. To teach reading skills, you can do more than only read books each day (though I think that is a crucial part). Here are some ideas from the book On Becoming Preschool Wise:
  • Puzzles: puzzles help your child "see how one part fits into the whole picture" (page 122). Puzzles for Preschoolers
  • Sequencing Cards: these "help children develop a sense of the beginning, middle, and end of a story" (page 122). Sequencing Cards
  • Alphabet: introduce the child to the alphabet. There is no shortage of activities available for this. Brayden and Kaitlyn have each had a favorite alphabet book that they wore out. Alphabet Books. Brayden's favorite was The Alphabet Book . There is no shortage of alphabet books out there. You can find them with a variety of items represented or specific to suite a special interest your child has. You can also get magnetic alphabet letters. One of our favorites is the Leap Frog Magnetic Alphabet. You can also do alphabet posters. And don't forget the letter of the day! Each week, you can focus on a different letter. Practice writing it, look for items around you that start with it, focus on the sound of it...make it a part of your day! Leap Frog also has an excellent line of movies that teach the alphabet, phonics, and reading:Leap Frog Letter and Word Movies. I recently wrote a post entirely on Teaching the Alphabet.
See also posts on this blog with ideas to enhance knowledge in:


  1. Do you have any experience with using the Your Baby Can Read DVDs?

  2. I don't have any experience with that. I am more of a believer in babies learning just through life and learning to love books and learn language through sitting in moms lap reading than in DVDs. I also don't let my kids start watching TV until around 18-20 months, and then usually only 15 minutes a day, so it really isn't my thing. But obviously some people like them :)
