
Monday, April 26, 2010

Painting Tip

My children love to paint. Being the OCD mother that I am, painting day causes me more stress than about any other activity we ever do.

I used to put a little bit of each color of paint on a paper plate. A couple of months ago, I had the idea to use some empty baby food containers. This made painting much cleaner. It also made it so the children could pass the paint to each other with less mess. I really liked it and thought I would pass it along to you all in case you are like me.


  1. I use a styrofoam egg carton. I cut it in the middle so I end up with six sections and get two art activities out of it.

  2. You could use these:
    That way no mess!

  3. I use an egg carton as well but I like the cardboard kind! I cut it in half or what I've been doing lately for my 2 1/2 year old is cutting it in 3rds so I have 3 of them and they each hold 4 colors. Works out great!

  4. Thanks everyone for sharing your own tips!
