
Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Color Sorting

Age Ranges: 1.5-5 years

  • paper
  • crayons
  • baskets/cups
  • puff balls

  • color pieces of cardstock or paper to match the colors of the puff balls
  • tape paper to the bottom of the baskets/cups
Just start sorting the puff balls by color and encourage your child to join in. Ask questions like "where does that go?" "what color is that?". If your child starts to put one in the wrong color say "no, not there" in a neutral tone. When he gets it right praise him. This activity is very simple but changing up the materials you use to teach colors and numbers can make it more fun.

*For a child with sensory issues this activity is great because the puff balls (we got ours at Target) are pretty fuzzy and feel odd.

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