
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sidewalk Painting

Tired of the mess from painting inside? Or maybe you haven't even gone there yet. :) On your next (or first) nice day of weather, why not try sidewalk painting?

Materials: some paint brushes (I got a few for less than a $1, including the foamy brushes), some type of bowls (I used Tupperware), cornstarch, food coloring, water.
Directions: Mix 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1/4 cup cold water, and the desired amount of food coloring. Add more cornstarch/water to get the consistency that you want.
Have fun painting!! It sprays right off the sidewalk, hasn't stained any of our clothing, and is super easy to clean off their hands...only a hose needed! :)
We even painted a road to drive cars!

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