
Monday, March 1, 2010

Nutter Butter Snow Man

My mother-in-law randomly gave us some Nutter Butter cookies. As I looked at them, I thought, "snowman!" So we took our best shot at creating a snowman out of our Nutter Butters. I think they kind of ended up looking more like ghosts than snowmen...but we had fun and the kids enjoyed eating them.

Old enough to be able to decorate the snowman. Kaitlyn is 2.5 and spread the frosting and decorated herself. If your child is too young for spreading frosting, you could spread for her and let her decorate.

  • Nutter Butter cookies
  • Chocolate chips or other candy for eyes and buttons (like raisins--thanks Kristy!)
  • Pretzels, Tootsie rolls, or some other candy for the arms
  • White frosting
  • Knife for spreading frosting
  1. Spread or have your child spread frosting on the Nutter Butter.
  2. Decorate as desired.
  3. Eat!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! My son says he likes snowmen as much as ghosts, and ghosts as much as snowmen--so either way it's good to go!
