
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE Brayden's preschool teacher? She is the best. I have zero complaints about her, which is kind of rare for me. I usually see room for improvement somewhere. With her, nothing. Love her. She is the perfect teacher.

Okay, so this cute leprechaun is something Brayden brought home from preschool, hence the "ode to teacher" by me.

With this activity, you can talk about colors and shapes. It is also a fun art activity, and of course, a fun way to celebrate a holiday.

This is another one of those activities where young toddlers can even do it because it is easily assembled.

  • Small paper plate (but you could use a white piece of paper. You probably want it to be stiff, so if you need to use paper, stiffen it with some cardboard behind it--like cardboard from a cereal box or something).
  • Curly noodles--they colored theirs orangy/red, but you could leave it the original color if you like.
  • Crayons
  • Green construction paper
  • Black construction paper
  • Yellow construction paper
  • Glue
  • For the toddlers, cut out the shapes to make the hat. You will need a green square, a green rectangle, a black rectangle, and a yellow square.
  • For the preschoolers, draw the shapes for the hat, but let them cut it out.
  • For the older children, have them draw and cut out the shapes for the hat.
  • Gather supplies.
  1. Have older children draw and/or cut out shapes for hat
  2. Have all children draw and color the face for the leprechan
  3. Glue the hat together
  4. Glue the hat on the plate
  5. Glue noodles on hat for whiskers
  6. Let dry, then display!

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