
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cleaning Coins

When I first read this idea in The Preschooler's Busy Book, I thought it would be fun. As the time drew closer to do it, however, I started to have my doubts. Cleaning coins? Wa-hoo.

Never-the-less, I pressed forward with the idea, and it was a hit! Both Brayden (4.5) and Kaitlyn (2.5) loved it and talked about how fun it was. I loved it because it was a great activity to do while I made dinner that didn't require more than my voice to control the situation.

We did this activity in honor of President's Day (Presidents are on coins you see). You could do it as a fine motor activity, a lesson on money values, or even a science lesson if you put salt and vinegar in the water to remove tarnish.

Old enough to not put the coin in the mouth (but supervise all ages). I would say 18 months and older can do this.

  • Coins
  • Toothbrush
  • Towel for drying
  • Dish with water and soap
  • Gather supplies
Simply have your child clean the coins. As we did this, we talked about the President on the coin. I don't know why, but the kids loved it :)


  1. I love these simple activities! I have the toddler busy book and sometimes I wonder if they will really like it.. and then they love it! Thanks for sharing this idea :-)

  2. This is one of those strange things that appeals to little kids--like Tobias' new obsession with sweeping! I'll definitely have to try this, it sounds like it'd be just up our alley, and what mm doesn't like something that involves cleaning ;)

  3. This sounds perfect for my 2.5 yr old. He always tells me "I need monies in my pocket" (don't we all!). I bet he would love this activitiy!

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