
Friday, March 26, 2010

Car Game: Wallets

A favorite activity for both of my girls in the car (ages 2.5 and 13 months) are personal wallets. You can use an old wallet/purse you have around the house, or get a cheap one from a bargain store. This has helped preserve the afternoon nap at ages where if they slept for even 15 minutes in the car, that's just enough to ensure they wouldn't take an afternoon nap (like Sunday after church). Both girls love taking the items in and out of the wallet, looking at the pictures, snapping the wallet, and unzipping the change pouch. It's provided a good 20-30 minutes of entertainment on more than one occasion. I actually keep them in the compartment in the car. That way they are never left at home.

Some items to put in your wallet:
  • small flash cards of numbers, letters, or shapes
  • pretend dollars (for counting)
  • fake credit cards that come in the mail (I wouldn't recommend expired ones, just in case)
  • library card, if your child has their own personal one
  • pictures of family
  • pictures of things they love (like animals, princesses, trucks)
  • a small sheet of stickers
  • if the wallet fits one (like in a check holder) put a small pad of paper and crayon for drawing
  • key chains attached to it
  • I have a mini measuring tape on one. My oldest loves to try to measure things, like her hands and feet.
  • On mytoddler's wallet, I attached a mini stuffed animal on a key chain.
  • A mini flashlight/light up device
Have fun... and enjoy some nice quiet time in the car!


  1. This is a great idea! Just last Sunday my husband and I were talking loudly, singing, anything to keep my 10-month old awake on the ride home from church. I'll have to start working on a wallet :) It does work for boys too right?

  2. I love the idea of using this in the car! I would've never thought of that.
    Debbie, I know it will work for my boy! He loves playing with a wallet. Silly me never thought to use it in the car!

  3. This idea is GENIUS!! I'm familiar w/ the "falling asleep after church" nap this will help a great deal. Thanks for the super ideas ;)

  4. LOVE this. My 22 month old is always trying to snag my wallet- I never even thought about giving him his own!! And we run into the same problem with trying to keep him awake on the ride home from church! Thanks for the great idea

  5. What a great little activity bag. I love that you have it in the car. We are always trying to come up with ways to keep my son awake on the 20 minute ride home from church!

  6. This is a great idea! Especially for road trips, or even to take into a restaurant to play with in the highchair.

  7. This is a fantastic idea! LO loves to try to get into my wallet and having a "real" one for her might just work! Thanks.
