
Friday, March 12, 2010

Animal Toss

My girls are about 19 months apart, so it's really nice to find activities that they can do together. This idea is from The Sibling Busy Book and was really fun for both girls (2 and 11 months when we first started playing).

  • laundry basket (or some sort of large basket)
  • crib or bed, depending on what is safe for your kids
  • stuffed animals


  1. Put child(ren) in the crib or bed (or couch, etc).
  2. Show them how to toss the animal and try to get it in the basket.
  3. Start the basket close to the bed/couch/crib and gradually move the basket farther away.

I filled the crib with stuffed animals. They had a blast doing this! (And I got the added benefit of contained, happy children while I put laundry away). This activity eventually ended with both of them rolling around giggling hysterically. Love it!


  1. I love this idea! and so easy too!

  2. What a wonderful idea! I only have 1 but he loves to throw things.. nice indoor activity to work off some energy :-)
