
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Olympic Ring Coloring Page

This activity is good for working on your child's fine motor skills. It also is a good activity for following directions.

Preschooler and older. Your child needs to be old enough to follow instructions and possibly old enough to color in lines. Brayden did this well at 4.5, but it is definitely beyond 2.5 year old Kaitlyn.


  1. I Googled "olympic ring coloring page" and found this coloring page

  2. I copied the picture and pasted it into Word.

  3. I added a title for my own benefit. I like titles.

  4. I printed the page off.

  • Start by talking about what the Olympic rings symbolize. For information on this, see this page on Wikipedia.

  • The colors of the rings are specific. We got out each color for each ring. I then highlighted the word of each color for each ring in the respective color. So I highlighted the word "yellow" with a yellow crayon.

  • Have your child color the rings appropriately.

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