
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Being Thankful:Fall and Winter Fun

I saw this activity in the Disney's Family Fun magazine (November 2008). (Great investment, by the way!) I'm going to give credit where credit is due, so thank you Zeppo Family from St. Charles, Missouri!

This family decided to keep a Thankful Box out all year. Throughout the year, they write down things they are grateful for and drop them into the box. On Thanksgiving Day, they open the container and read the blessings out loud. Then they use the strips of paper to make a paper chain to hang on the Christmas Tree.

*If you start now and each family member does one a day, you'll have plenty for a paper chain for the tree! We are starting this week!

Materials Needed:

  • Oatmeal canister, shoe box, or some container to put the strips of paper in

  • Pen/pencil

  • strips of paper

  1. Decorate your container.

  2. Cut a slot in the top to put the paper in once written on.

  3. Keep a stack of paper handy.

  4. Write one thing per family member each night. We chose after dinner, so we can sit and chat as a family. I'm sure we can come up with one blessing a night!

For my 2 year old, I'll let her draw what she's thankful for during the day and she can share it with the family at night. Then I'll "translate" on the bottom of the paper. :) I'll write new things that the baby can do too, since I'm sure she's thankful for things like new teeth and mobility.


  1. This is a great idea. Something I love about thinking of things you are thankful for each day is the more you think about it, the more you think of!

  2. Great idea. I included it in a recent blog post.
