
Monday, June 27, 2011

Balloon Hacky Sack

I first must praise my camera. That is an awesome picture. I love my camera. I am no photographer and look what my camera has produced. I also love sunny days that help my camera.

Okay, so today we had our library craft day. This fun Hacky Sack ball was one of the crafts we made. 

Age Range: 
This is great for children of all ages. As long as you trust your child with balloons and small seed-like things, you can do this with your child. At the activity, children one and up were doing this.

  • Balloons
  • Scissors
  • Funnel
  • Hard wheat or bird seed. You could also use small plastic pellets.
  1. Choose three balloons
  2. Cut the "neck" of the balloon off of two of the balloons right where it juts out from the round part of the balloon. One of these will be your outer edge of the hacky sack, so may sure your favorite color will be one of these.
  3. Stretch and blow up the third balloon. Then release the air. This is just to stretch it out.
  4. Put the third balloon over the small end of the funnel.
  5. Fill the balloon with the seed/wheat/pellets. We used hard wheat, but if you don't own that already, I would do one of the other options.
  6. Work it all in so it is out of the neck.
  7. Cut the end of the neck off, but not the entire neck. Just the bulky end part. 
  8. Fold the remaining neck so it is flat against the balloon.
  9. Put one of the two cut balloons over the balloon now full of seeds. Put the neck portion of the filled balloon into the second balloon first so that the openings are not next to each other.
  10. Repeat with the final balloon. You can always use more balloons if you want to.
You now have a fun ball to play with! I don't know about you, but my kids love balls. 

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