
Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Reading Programs

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This is my first summer as a mom of a child who has been in school. I have been thinking about ways to prevent "summer setback"--and yes, I wrote a post on it last summer:

It has great ideas. I am working on coming up with a specific plan so we don't slide into complacency and accepting the "summer slide." Or so August 1 doesn't roll around and I think "ack! Summer setback!"

One of the most successful things you can do to prevent summer setback is reading. We read a whole lot at our house. Even so, I wanted to do something motivating for reading in the summer. Goals help people perform to their best ability, so I thought a summer reading program would be fun.

Our library has a free summer reading program available for people of all ages. The goal is simple: 20 minutes a day. But prizes are awarded for most minutes read.

They also have some fun craft projects, a magician, and they have rented out the local pool for a swim party for those who complete the program! Lots of fun.

So check your local library and see if they provide some sort of reading program. If not, you can create your own with goals and a fun prize at the end--maybe a trip for ice cream, a fun outing, or a new book!

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