
Friday, April 22, 2011

Healthy Cookies...yes, you read that right!

When you have kiddos, the temptation (at least for me) to make fun treats all the time is overwhelming. I love any kind of cooking with my kids, but baking without always making something that'll end up calling my name to finish once the kids are in really tough.

So I ran across this cookie recipe on a great website where the only questionable item in the recipe is dark chocolate (70%), I jumped on it! No sugar, no eggs, no white flour (no flour at all)!

*3 large ripe bananas

*1 tsp vanilla

*1/4 cup coconut oil, warmed so it isn't solid (or substitute olive oil)

*2 cups rolled oats

*2/3 cup almond meal (I get this at Trader Joe's. Or you can make your own by pulsing almonds in the food processor until it's a sandy texture. Just don't over process, or you'll get almond butter)

*1/3 cup unsweetened coconut, shredded

*1/2 tsp cinnamon

*1/2 tsp salt

*1 tsp baking powder

*6-7 oz. chocolate chips or chopped dark chocolate bar

Oven to 350*

Combine bananas, coconut oil, and vanilla in large bowl. In another bowl, mix almond meal, oats, coconut, cinnamon, salt, baking powder. Add dry ingredients to the wet and combine. Fold in chocolate. The dough is looser than regular cookie's fine!!! Drop spoonfuls on to parchment, Silpat, or baking stone. Bake 12-14 minutes. The recipe said that just shy of 15 minutes was perfect for them. I got the same results...perfect at almost 15 minutes. Just don't burn the bottoms.

I prefer them warm, but they are good any way you serve them! Enjoy! A fun one to make with the kids!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy! Any suggestions for a substitute for the almond meal? My daughter has a nut allergy. Thanks for your great site!
