
Monday, February 28, 2011

Surviving Winter: Dress Up and Imaginative Play

Dress up and imaginative play are fun any time of year, but they are a great way to pass the time while stuck inside. Dress up and have fun!

Acquiring dress up clothes does not need to be expensive--though I do think in most cases it will take you time to build it up. One way to get inexpensive dress-up clothes is to shop the sales right after Halloween. Even pre-sales--a lot of Halloween costumes will be cheaper than it is to buy "dress-up" clothes.

The crafty among you can sew and make dress up items.

Never underestimate the power of a simple accessory. Brayden often uses a sword, a hat, and a bag when playing pretend. He uses simple accessories more than he does a full-out costume. Hats, jewelry, bags, scarves...accessories.

You can give your kids things you were going to get rid of. One great example is purses. Rather than tossing or donating all of your old purses, save one or two for your kids. One of Brayden's favorite clothing dress-up items is a khaki vest my mother-in-law was getting rid of. I knew he would love it for his safari adventures.

We have a large rubbermaid tote that holds all of our dress up clothes. They are easy to access and easy for kids to clean up.

So encourage your children to play dress up and take themselves mentally to a different place full of exciting adventures!

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I love the picture, too! I just recently had the idea and storage space to move my son's dress-ups from a high shelf down to a shelf that he can easily reach and get into on his own. Both boys have been enjoying it, and I love to have that type of activity available to them along with their same-old, same-old of cars and animals and figures (although those are great, too).
