
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks to Deb over at Living Montessori Now for this award!

Rules for this award are similar to others:
  1. Thank and link to the person who gave it to you
  2. Share 7 things about yourself
  3. Pass it on to others
So, 7 things about us:
  1. Amanda now has two children--her second baby was born relatively recently.
  2. Raegan is pregnant with her third child and actually due very soon.
  3. Valerie's favorite football team is the Kansas City Chiefs. I have big plans for them this playoff season.
  4. Amanda lives where it is cold in the winter...and basically no one else lives where she lives.
  5. Raegan lives where it is warm most of the time (warm in my eyes).
  6. Valerie lives where it is 10 degrees as a high today.
  7. We are moms.
Ha! I cheated on the last one! But I had to do something that is true of all three of us so I went with that.

Now for the new awardees


  1. Thank you for giving Little fingers that Play this award. I am so behind on posting new songs on that blog that this may be just the boost I needed to get busy and put more songs up:)

  2. What a wonderful surprise that I pulled up your blog today and saw that my lil' blog, Montessori MOMents was awarded. You made my day. Thank you!
