
Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Traditions Around the World

In a magazine we get (the Friend), the December 2009 issue had a list of Christmas traditions people do around the world. I though it was fun to read and wanted to share. I think it would be fun to implement traditions from cultures that you have family heritage from. I also think it would be a fun thing to do to help teach about different cultures.
Japan: Children love to eat Christmas cake with strawberries and whipped cream

Finland: Families visit cemeteries on Christmas Eve and lace candles on the graves of loved ones

India: People put small clay lamps on the roofs of their homes to show Jesus is the Light of the World

Ireland: Families place candles in the windows of their homes to show that they would have welcomed Mary and Joseph

Germany: Children leave their shoes or boots by the fireplace or outside their front doors. The next morning, the shoes are filled with candy

Australia: Many people go to the beach and sing Christmas carols

Argentina: Families light diamond-shaped paper balloons called globos on Christmas Eve and release them into the night sky

Venezuela: Children roller-skate in the streets early on Christmas morning

United States: People decorate evergreen trees with small lights, tinsel, and ornaments

Philippines: Families decorate with parols, which are star shapes made out of bamboo and tissue paper and lit with tiny lights

Liberia: Families eat dinner outside, sitting in a circle. A traditional Liberian Christmas dinner includes biscuits, rice, and beef

Bulgaria: Everybody at the table stands at the same time when dinner is over

Sweden: A young girl wears a white dress with a red sash and serves bread and biscuits

Holland: Families celebrate on Christmas Eve by drinking hot chocolate and eating banketletter, a cake that looks like the first letter of the family's last name

Norway: Children eat rice pudding. The child who finds the hidden nut wins a candy pig or a piece of chocolate

Mexico: Families cut designs in paper bags to make lanterns, or farolitos. Candles are placed inside the farolitos, which line the sidewalks, windows, and rooftops

Spain: Children are given toys, sweets, or small instruments as they go from house to house reciting versus or singing carols

Italy: One week before Christmas, children dress as shepherds and go from door to door singing songs and reciting poems

England: Children receive a paper-covered tube, called a Christmas cracker, at Christmas dinner. The tube cracks loudly when pulled apart. A paper hat, poem, or small toy is inside

New Zealand: Many cities have celebrations in parks. People listen to well-known singers sing Christmas carols

Tonga: Families get up early to make and deliver breakfast to their neighbors. Children are excited to deliver these breakfasts and see what the neighbors bring

Paraguay: People decorate their homes with coco flowers

Lebanon: Chickpeas, wheat, beans, and lentils are planted two weeks before Christmas. The sprouts are used to surround the nativity scene in the home

Ghana: Families stay up all evening playing games. Just before midnight, the family counts down the seconds until Christmas Day


  1. I teach elementary school and we create passports and have the kids learn about traditions around the world. We make Mexican poinsettas and books of candles. It is my favorite thing about Christmas. I am excited to start some of these traditions with my own daughter. Thank you for the wonderful post to both refresh my memory and teach me a few new ideas. Merry Christmas!

  2. Excellent idea about the passports Lindsay! Thanks!
