
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thankful Basket

This is an activity we did last year, and we will be repeating it this year. It is quite a simple way to help teach your children (and remind yourself!) about being thankful for what you have.

November is a logical time of year to do this activity since it is Thanksgiving, but there is never a wrong time to focus on gratitude.

  • Get a basket or some other container
  • Cut up small pieces of paper

We did this for one of our Family Home Evening Lessons. You could do it as a lesson with the family, or simply start it with your family one day.

The way this works is each night (or each morning if that works best), each person in the family says something they are thankful for.

You then write on a piece of paper the item and put it in the basket.

At Thanksgiving, you can look and see the many things your family has to be grateful for. 

Whenever you first start an activity like this, it can be hard to think of something new after the standard answers have been used up. But you soon find that it is hard to stop thinking of the blessings you have once you start to focus on them.

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