
Monday, November 1, 2010

Successful Learning Tip: Read To Your Child

Can I push reading any more? I probably could :).

A very important tip for successful learning is to read to your child. Reading is so important because all learning requires reading. Every subject involves reading. I have gone over more in this in this post. I wanted to make sure that as you look over ideas for making learning time successful, reading came on your radar.

Not only do you want to read, but you want to share with your child your own enjoyment of reading. Tell him about the books you liked when you were little. Causally talk about what you like about reading.

Surround your child with good books. Keep them age appropriate. You can check with your local library for ideas or google "reading lists." When I say "surround your child" with books, don't think that means you need to go broke buying him books. Libraries are wonderful resources.

Also, give books as gifts. I always make sure that I give at least one book to each child at Christmas time. I also give a book to each child at Easter. Giving books to children shows them that you value books.

For a great book on teaching your children to love reading, see this post.

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