
Friday, October 8, 2010

Pitch a Tent!

The weather has been nice and cool this week (at least around here). My husband commented that my oldest daughter is at a great age to go camping. However, work, events, and other issues will prevent us from driving up to the mountains to try it out this year.
But have you noticed that there's something about a covered area that amazes and captivates kids? Pillow forts, sheets over the dining room table...if they can crawl in it, they love it. So why not make the most of amazing weather and a great make-believe activity. Go camping!
We set up a huge tent (and by we, I meant my husband) in the backyard for the girls. Add a few sleeping bags (or blankets and pillows), some snacks, and you've just become World's Best Mommy (oh, yeah...Daddy too). :)
My husband, the more outdoorsy of the two of us, even helped the girls build a little stick fort, make beds for baby raccoons (not really, but they pretended), and keep a watch out for grizzly bears (okay, again, not really...but you get the point). My job? Hot chocolate! S'mores in the oven!
Pretend to build a fire...pretend to roast hot dogs and PB&J outside...go for a "hike"...but most of all, have fun!

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