
Monday, August 16, 2010

Simple Summer Fun: Reading

I am such a huge believer in reading to your children. I believe in it so much, I read to Brayden (my oldest) when I was pregnant with him. I continued to read to him daily after he was born and we haven't stopped since. Even when we go camping, we bring books along to be sure to read each day. I have such high value for reading that I cannot even begin to try to impress upon others how important I think it is because I know I will never be able to adequately get my feelings across.

But I want to try.

I have always loved to read. As an elementary student, I read at least 30 books every three weeks. As a teenager, I still liked to read. True that Honors and AP English classes turned me off slightly; being required to read was very unattractive to me. But my love survived through it all (and I did enjoy my required reading) and I am still a reader to this day.

As I was growing up, I realized that most of my friends did not like to read. I have always been analytical and started trying to figure out why. Over time, I came to the conclusion that I loved to read because my parents loved to read. Both of my parents read constantly. They also read to me when I was a child.

If you do nothing else each day, I would hope that you at least read to your child. I think most people do. I have always assumed all people do, but have slowly discovered that isn't true. Read to your children daily. Find some time in your day that you will be consistent about it. For most people, this will be bedtime. If you make reading a part of your bedtime routine, your children will never let you forget it!

So read each day. You can read books about things you are doing, holidays that are going on, topics of interest to your child, etc. Whatever it is, just read.

So as your summer winds down, be sure to either vamp up your reading or keep up your reading. I don't think it gets much more simple than reading.


  1. I agree 100%! I love this simple summer fun series! Did I already say that?

  2. I would like your opinion about an experience I had at my local library. What is the best way to contact you?
