
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Outstanding Blogger Award

A big thank you goes out to Sandy at Raising Ian for this award! Sandy has a blog about homeschooling her son with Montessori.

The rules to accept the award are:

  1. Say thanks to the person who gave me this award.
  2. Share seven things about myself
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who I think are fantastic!
So, 7 things about us:
  1. There are three of us who post here
  2. Amanda is pregnant
  3. Amanda was a teacher before being a mom
  4. Raegan was a teacher before being a mom
  5. Raegan has two children
  6. Valerie has three children
  7. Valerie is not pregnant

Okay, on to our awards:


  1. Thanks for the award! Love the ideas you share here.

  2. Thanks so much for the lovely award :)
    I'm honored to be among such great blogs in your list!!!

  3. Thank you, lovely to be there with so many other great bloggers!

  4. Wow! Such a treat - thanks so much for passing this award onto me. You've listed some wonderful blogs and there are a couple I've not heard of before - off to check them out now!

    Counting Coconuts

  5. Thank you. Looking forward to looking through your blog.
