
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Letter Review

A quick and easy way to review letters of the alphabet!

Materials Needed: Foam letters (I got my bathtub set from Target, and I also have a few sets from my teaching days), bucket or bag.

We took turns reaching in the bag, closing our eyes, and pulling out a letter. You have choices on what to say, depending on the skill level of your child. You can ask for the letter name, whether it's capital or lower case, the sound it makes, a word that starts with that letter, or if it's at the beginning/middle/end of the alphabet.

This was great practice for taking turns and to have a quick way to evaluate which letters you need to practice more with your child.

*Foam letters are a great resource for a parent to have! There are so many activities that can be done with them. If you don't have a set, I highly recommend them! They'll continue to be useful, even as your child grows and begins to read and write.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely going to do this, and with my 4YO the questions will mostly be about what words start with that letter. Thanks!
