
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Brightly Beaming Resources

In a discussion in a Yahoo! group I run, blog reader Kristy shared that she uses ideas from Brightly Beaming Resources. I have heard of them, but haven't ever studied their website in depth, so I went and checked it out.

It has great, simple ideas! Something I thought would be of particular interest is their curriculum for babies and for pre-toddlers. Those are two ages that are hard to really do "learning activities" with. They have simple ideas to help enhance what you are doing every day.

They have a baby curriculum that starts at three months. There are two "lessons" per month, but each lesson has lots of ideas.

They also have what they call the toddler curriculum for age one. This is also simple and had two lessons per month.

They have ideas for what book to read, what scripture to study, nursery rhyme to focus on, how to teach concepts during every day activities, classical music, foreign language, sign language, exercise, and arts and crafts with the older toddler.

They do also have ideas for ages 2-11. See this page for links to these ideas.

And this is all free.

Hopefully you can find this resource helpful to you! Thank you, Kristy, for pointing it out!


  1. Hey! I was just coming to this blog to be reminded of arts and crafts to do with my 1YO and saw this post! I just realized last week that the Brightly Beaming resources are influenced by the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling, for anyone who is familiar with that. The reason I love that site is that I can do structured learning activities with my 4YO and 1YO that they love but still not have an overly "academic" atmosphere that would push them or turn them off of learning. And I obviously use this blog too!

  2. Thank you so much for pointing us to this resource! I just discovered your blog and am looking for resources for activities for my 13-month-old son. This is perfect!

  3. Thanks Kristy! Thanks for letting me know about this resource.

    You are welcome Laura!
