
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Color Matching--Easter Style

Age Range: 1-4 years old

  • plastic easter eggs
  • cardboard egg carton
  • crayons/markers

color insides of the egg spaces in the carton to match as close as possible the colors of the plastic eggs you have

Show your child how to put the yellow egg in the yellow hole. Practice with a few eggs and then step back for your child to do it themselves. If your child struggles simply say "no, not there, where does that yellow egg go?" and praise him when he puts the egg in the correct hole.

*For us this was surprisingly a big hit. I just knew my son needed practice with colors but he really latched onto this game. He completed it 3 separate times later in the day too!


  1. This does sound like a lot of fun!

    Do you allow guest posts?? I recently did a poetry activity with my almost three-year-old and blogged about it.

  2. Sure Laura! How about you email the post to me at and I will post it as a guest post. Be sure to include a link to your blog in the email.
