
Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Collections

This weekend marks the first weekend of Spring! With weather this week in the mid-60's and low 70's, I feel like it's quickly making its appearance in our area.

Our introduction to Spring was quick and uncomplicated. I wanted a chance just to talk, look, and discover.

First, we read Mouse's First Spring by Lauren Thompson. It's a cute story about a mouse and his mommy going for a walk and discovering all the new things Spring has delivered.

Then I put up a poster. We then went in the front and back yard to see what Spring items we could collect. Green grass, a new flower, green leaves, and a bud were some of the discoveries. The taped/glued them to our poster to proudly show daddy when he gets home from work. We also talked about the changes...wearing shorts or short sleeves, no winter coats, people out cutting grass and working in their yards, baby birds, a few new insects, and (ugh) some early mosquitoes.
So take a a good book...enjoy this weather as soon as it graces you...we even pulled out the sprinkler! No, it wasn't really that warm. My daughter was just that excited.


  1. Dear Raegan, sigh. Here I am feeling good about 50s and you have to go and post something like "70s". Sigh again.

  2. :) 77 today.
    BUT...the roles will be reversed come summer, while you are enjoying the perfection of humidity free air, gorgeous skies, and the ideal summer. We, on the other hand, will be close to melting. At C's first b-day party it was over 100 degrees. And that was June...NOT usually our hottest month.

  3. oo I love the Spring! I love the idea of collecting things that are showing us its Spring. We might just have to do that this week!
